Мann&Schroeder is one of the leading manufacturers of hair and body care products in Central Europe. Development, production and sales are all concentrated in one hand. This allows us to achieve the highest level of competence in each segment, including an international orientation on the Central Euopean market.We manufacture 140 million high quality products annually. Our sales area includes Germany and Central Europe, as well as a further 22 export countries, mainly in the Middle East, Asia and North America.In spite of the general economic downturn, our sales figures have developed upwards over the past few years and are far above the industry average.We are a medium-sized company which is directed by the owner. For the future, we see a continuation of good sales opportunities for innovative beauty products which offer good value for money. To ensure that this is the case, we are investing heavily in R&D, technology and employee training.
Наша компания «Манн и Шредер Руссланд» является производителем:
- шампуней марок Diplona, профессиональной косметики для волос: шампуней, бальзамов, кондиционеров, - производителем кремов марок Natuderm botanics (имеет экосертификат натуральной косметики), кремов и бальзамов Alkmene (с маслом чайного дерева),
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